Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good Luck Dr. Dave!

Dr. Dave and Psych Super Hero Ben

Our smarty pants friend, Dave, was heading off to MinnesOta for his Anesthesiology Residency so, of course, there had to be a farewell party.  Amber and Spencer were sweet (or insane) enough to invite us all over to swim and hang out. I have to mention that it was super rainy and we all brought our kids so it was C-C-C-C-CRAZY!

We ate, and laughed, and TRIED to take pictures but nobody would cooperate. Initially, I was the only one who would sit by Dave. His hot wife is behind him. LOL!
Dave's Harem:
Keri, Amber, Kriste, Jami, Kristen, Val
Emily, Jody, Leesa, Dana
Eventually we all got it together. Still don't know why my hand is on Dave's leg though.....Sorry Jame. I adore the fact our husbands get along with each other and put up with us when we are all together. At least they can't say we are boring right? It is also fun to watch our kids form friendships, and frienemies. When they all run around crazy I just think, "Look what we created!" Hope you are ready world.