Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Take me out to the ball game....

Well, the T-ball season has come to a close and I am grateful. Those last couple of games were a little too chilly for me. Trace loved baseball (He doesn't like referring to it as T-ball.) and I loved not coaching. My favorite moment occured when he was waiting to bat. He suddenly yelled, "Mom, I need to give you a hug!" and ran over to do so. After that, he grabbed a bat and hit the ball. I hope he always needs to give me a hug before he plays sports.
Summer was Tracy's biggest little fan.

Everett was so desperate to play too. He kept putting on a helmet and trying to sneak out to home plate. His plead was, "I play baseball too Mommy." I was heartbroken every time I had to bring him back to the bleachers.


Charity said...

Everett is the cutest kid in the world!! Well besides my Deac Deac, but oh that pic. of him is sooo cute. I know what you mean about heartbroken, Deacon has been asking me for everything that he isn't supposed to have and then saying peease mommy. I can't say no to that little guy.